




In England, where aristocratic culture has long been rooted, with the British royal family at the top, there is an underlying idea of ​​”dressing to respect others’ courtesy”. It has been regarded as a virtue for an English gentleman to dress neatly and to behave in a manner that does not disrespect others.

For this reason, many of the clothes that originated in England are dressy, and many are elegantly worn, such as suits, chester coats, and stainless steel coats.

Trench coats, which were born as military uniforms, and quilted jackets, which were born as horse-riding uniforms, all have a somewhat classy feel to them because they reflect the idea of ​​respecting courtesy towards others.

British-style suits are well-padded and structured, and the fabric is heavy. Wearing it doesn’t make you feel better, but it’s not rude to the other person even if you have to put up with it. I think it reflects the British way of thinking.

This cultural background gives people the image of “I want to make people feel intellectual” and “I want to show sincerity.”

「装うこととは。What is dressing up.」への2件のフィードバック

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