ベオーマレザーカンパニーはイギリスの中心部、バーミンガムに隣接したウォルソールにあります。創業者アレックス・シンプソンが2022 年末にホワイトハウスコックスが工場を閉鎖したのち、そこで腕を磨いた熟練のスタッフを集め、新たにレザーグッズの工場を設立しました。140 年以上にわたって英国生産を続けてきたホワイトハウスコックスの技術とDNA はベオーマレザーカンパニーに色濃く受け継がれています。イングリッシュブライドルレザーやビンテージブライドルレザーをはじめ、厳選された高品質なベジタブルタンニングレザーを使用し、『ハンドメイド イン イングランド』のベルトやメッシュベルト、革小物、ラゲッジを製造しています。
Beoma is the legitimate successor to White House Cox (WHC), a long-established British leather goods brand with a history spanning approximately 150 years.
The Beoma Leather Company is located in Walsall, next to Birmingham, in the heart of England. After founder Alex Simpson closed the White House Cox factory at the end of 2022, he gathered the skilled staff who honed their skills there and established a new leather goods factory. White House Cox’s technology and DNA, which has been produced in the UK for over 140 years, is strongly inherited by Beoma Leather Company. We manufacture “handmade in England” belts, mesh belts, leather accessories, and luggage using carefully selected high-quality vegetable tanned leather, including English bridle leather and vintage bridle leather.
ブランドの名称は、3 世紀頃にバーミンガムの起源となった小さな村「ベオーマ」が由来です。革の生産や馬具、革小物の製造において長い歴史を持つバーミンガムやウォルソールは、新しいレザーブランドを始めるには最もふさわしい場所と言えます。
The brand’s name comes from the small village of Beoma, which was the origin of Birmingham around the 3rd century. Birmingham and Walsall have a long history of producing leather, harness and small leather goods, making them the perfect places to start a new leather brand.
べオーマ(BEORMA Leather Company)は、英国製のブライドルレザーやベジタブルタンニングレザーを使用した革小物やベルト、バッグなどの生産を手掛けるブランドです。イングリッシュブライドルレザーは堅牢でしなやかで、独特のエイジングを楽しむことができます。 ブライドルレザーは革繊維と色素の結びつきが弱いため、色移りや色落ちしやすいのが特徴です。衣類との摩擦や汗や雨などによって濡れている状態では、比較的弱い摩擦でも色移りする可能性があります。
BEORMA Leather Company is a brand that produces leather accessories, belts, bags, etc. using British-made bridle leather and vegetable tanned leather. English bridle leather is strong and supple, allowing you to enjoy its unique aging properties. Bridle leather has a weak bond between the leather fiber and the pigment, so it is prone to color transfer and fading. If the fabric is wet due to friction with clothing, sweat, rain, etc., color transfer may occur even with relatively weak friction.
ベオーマ(BEORMA Leather Company)は、英国製のブライドルレザーやベジタブルタンニングレザーを使用した革小物やベルト、バッグなどの生産を手掛けるブランドです。バダラッシレザーはイタリアのトスカーナに拠点を置き、伝統的な製法で革を鞣している「BADALASSI CARLO」社が手掛けるプレミアムなフルベジタブルタンニングレザー。植物から抽出した天然成分のみを用いたタンニン鞣しの革で、革本来の素朴で自然な風合いが味わえます。使うほどに深い色合いとナチュラルな艶が増すエイジングの様子が楽しめます。
BEORMA Leather Company is a brand that produces leather accessories, belts, bags, etc. using British-made bridle leather and vegetable tanned leather. Badalassi leather is a premium full vegetable tanned leather made by BADALASSI CARLO, a company based in Tuscany, Italy that tans leather using traditional methods. This leather is tanned using only natural ingredients extracted from plants, allowing you to enjoy the rustic and natural texture of leather. The more you use it, the deeper the color and the more natural luster you’ll see as it ages.
2nd SELECTION × TRIIIT(セカンドセレクシオンTシャツ)
●Made in Japan
An elegant, durable, high quality, and comfortable T-shirt that goes well with your jacket. Created in collaboration with manufacturers.
●Rare super long cotton Subin cotton Subin cotton is about 4.1 micro (milligrams per inch) of the famous Supima cotton and about 3.1 micro (milligrams per inch) of Giza 45 cotton, whereas it is extra long cotton (fibers are thinner, longer and stronger) 2.9 Micro (milligrams per inch). In addition, the fineness is fine, flexible, and long, so it has durability and strength. Subin cotton has an elegant luster and is smooth to the touch due to its rich oil content.
●Made in Japan At the stage of manufacturing T-shirts, the binder neck, which is sewn so that the body fabric is sandwiched between ribbed fabric at the neck area, is often attached using twin needle sewing, which prevents the neck area, which is the most important point of T-shirts, from stretching. It is a robust sewing method that does not easily sag. The sleeves have a set-in sleeve finish and are sewn to fit when the arms are down, creating a beautiful shape that contours to the body. All products are manufactured in Japan.
新作ウォータープルーフ加工 BOXシルエットトートシンプルトートバッグ入荷。
PELLE MORBIDA(ペッレ モルビダ)ST012M 新作ウォータープルーフ加工
ゆったりとしたサイズ感のあるBOXシルエットのトートバッグ。PELLE MORBIDAらしいシンプルなデザインです。マチのホックを外すと船型にフォルムがチェンジ。スタイルに合わせてコーディネートをお楽しみいただけます。たくさん収納できるポケット付きなので小さな小物も迷子にならず整理できるのがポイント。
●Style;ウォータープルーフ加工 BOXシルエットトートバッグ
●Fabric;牛革 型押レザー(シュリンク風)
●Country;Made in Japan (日本製)
A stable BOX silhouette tote bag. A tote bag with a box silhouette that has a spacious feel. A simple design typical of PELLE MORBIDA. When you unhook the gusset, the form changes to a ship shape. You can enjoy coordinating it according to your style. The key point is that it has a lot of storage pockets, so you can organize small items so they don’t get lost. It can also fit A4 size, so it can be used for business purposes. The ST series has a wide variety of colors, which is a feature of the ST series, so you can easily carry it around even if you are unisex. Furthermore, the included pouch has cushioning properties and can be used as a PC case. It is embossed like shrink leather, so scratches are less noticeable.
We have a large number of bow ties in stock from Franco Spada, a necktie manufacturer that is particular about Made in Japan!
The Modena Emilia Italian belt I ordered in Florence in January has finally arrived. This time, we have European eel (European eel leather) and various other exotic leather belts in stock.
英国のネクタイメーカー今や、ネクタイのトレンドセッター的存在。ファブリックはロンドン郊外に200年ほど前からの工場で作られており織物は SEVEN THREAD SILK とよばれる高級な撚り合わせをした糸を使いボリューム感のあるシルクの光沢が特徴。早くから海外のマーケットに目を向けた物づくりを始め、デザインはトレンドを迅速かつ柔軟に加味しスタイル、縫製技術、素材使いで非常に高いクオリティを持つ。こうした実力が評価されイギリス国内だけでなくヨーロッパ、アメリカなどの一流のショップで取り上げられている。
British necktie maker is now a trendsetter in neckties. The fabric is made in a factory that has been around for about 200 years in the suburbs of London, and the fabric uses a high-class twisted thread called SEVEN THREAD SILK, which features a voluminous silk luster. From an early stage, they began manufacturing products with an eye on the overseas market, and their designs are of extremely high quality in terms of style, sewing technology, and material usage, while quickly and flexibly taking into account trends. Such ability is evaluated and is taken up by the first-class shop such as Europe, the United States as well as the U.K.
至高の肌触りペロフィル、新たにX-TOUCHシリーズ クルーネックTシャツ入荷!
X-TOUCHシリーズはモダール90%、ポリウレタン10%の伸縮性のあるソフトな穿き心地のストレッチタイプ。 また立体縫製ゆえ、体にフィットするので一枚で着た時のシルエットも綺麗です。 モダール素材とは、オーストリア/レンチング社が生産するレーヨンの一種でブナの木が原料です。 レーヨンとモダールが違っているところは、モダールの方が濡れていても強度のある性質を持っていることです。また、吸放湿性、質感、保温性に優れ日用品や下着などの衣類に用いられることが多い素材です。 モダールを使ったPerofil(ペロフィル)クルーネックTシャツは独特の手触りと光沢があり、シルク似た穿き心地です。
The X-TOUCH series is a stretchy type made of 90% modal and 10% polyurethane that is soft and comfortable to wear. In addition, because of the three-dimensional stitching, it fits the body, so the silhouette is beautiful when worn alone. Modal material is a type of rayon produced by Lenzing, Austria, and is made from beech wood. The difference between rayon and modal is that modal is stronger even when wet. In addition, it is a material that is often used for clothing such as daily necessities and underwear due to its excellent moisture absorption and release properties, texture, and heat retention. Made from modal, the Perofil crew neck t-shirt has a unique feel and luster that feels like silk. It can also be worn as an inner layer for an overblouse.