









The British style is said to have originated in England, the birthplace of suits, about 200 years ago. Originally it was a formal dress for royalty and aristocrats, but it gradually spread among the common people. The birthplace of the suit, British style in England can be said to be the original form of the suit.

The most distinctive feature of British style is the detail and masculine silhouette born from necessity.

British style considers modesty to be a virtue, and does not like flashy clothes. The spirit of the British gentleman is that the new suit does not look new, the tie is casually coordinated with the lining, and the cuffs are made with genuine water buffalo buttons.

I still have a long way to go in terms of dressing so that people I pass by while walking turn me around. A true fashionista enjoys a discreet and harmonious look. Many of the suits are chic, so playing in the V zone is a joke for British people. Dress shirts, ties, and linings are typical of the British style.

The British style suit is a standard suit style in Japan as well.

1, One of the features of the British suit is the shoulder pad. At first glance, it seems difficult to move, but the narrow armholes and high position give the arm a wide range of motion.

2. The shaped waist creates a three-dimensional body line and creates a stately silhouette called “English drape”.

3. A slant pocket is a waist pocket with diagonal cuts that hangs down toward the outside of the body. It is said to be a remnant of the popular riding clothes in England.

4. Another feature of the British suit is that it has a “change pocket” to store change. It looks more classic when it’s slanted.

5. Wearing a tight dress shirt will make the whole look more harmonious.